Wednesday, November 11, 2015

International Modernism - Dubai

      Personally, I have always wanted to go to Dubai. The way that the juxtaposition between futuristic skyscrapers and a traditional religion creates a peaceful modern lifestyle has always been interesting to me. The fact that the citizens of UAE have embraced the modern world and all that it introduces and yet don't stray from their religion, it's a perfect example of the mentality that in my opinion, other Muslim countries should adopt. Then again, my point of view could be considered slightly biased seeing as how I am what I like to call "an Americanized Muslim."

       Back to today's presentation, I really liked Amanda's introduction to the country and the meaning behind the different colors. I was kind of shocked yet intrigued when she mentioned that the color black was seen as a symbol of dignity and elegance. I also thought it was slightly comical that the people of Dubai decide to put the various colors into their city rather than in their clothing.

      Out of all of the buildings that were mentioned, I thought the Burj Khalifa was the most interesting because it towers over the city at a height of 2,717 feet and includes a mosque and a pool. A building that holds both a mosque and a pool, would be unheard of in Algeria as well as other North African countries.

       In my opinion, Dubai is a place that brings the elegance to the Islamic culture. They keep it modern but stay true to the Islamic influences of architecture.

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