Saturday, October 31, 2015

Herman Miller

       Originally known for it's cheap to medium priced furniture, Michigan Star Furniture Company sold Victorian style residential furniture. In 1923, DJ Depree bought the company with the help of his father-in-law who he immortalized by naming changing the company name to Herman Miller. 

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       With Depree as President, he brought on many famous designers with whom Herman Miller collaborated.  Gilbert Rohde was contracted by Depree and in 1933, the first line with modern furniture pieces came out. Furniture designer George Nelson designed the famous Herman Miller logo.

Image result for george nelsonImage result for herman miller logo

       Herman Miller teamed up with designing couple Ray and Charles Eames. They were a  husband & wife duo that was both eccentric and avant garde in their visions. The team produced fabric designs, furniture designs,  and even movies. Charles even designed a leg splint for the War of the time.

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       Other designers like Alexander Gerrard and Robert Prost were invited to collaborate with the Herman Miller designers as well.


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Image result for herman miller old

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